Thanks for your interest in the High Vibe Holistic Business Academy!

Our goal is to get you your first 5k in your holistic business in 90 days.

The world is shifting fast. If you are here, you most likely share our mission of raising the consciousness through holistic health, healing, and wellness.

We created the High Vibe Business Academy to be the exact formula you need to start facilitating the deep impact AND income you're meant for. No more plateaus, no more guesswork, no more feeling alone in this.

We’re going to be working closely together these next 6 months. As your coaches, our sole intention is to help you grow a deeply impactful and profitable online holistic business. Because we know that if I can change your life in this program, then that means you get to impact hundreds of your clients’ lives... and we LIVE for that impact.

Jenel went from having a hobby that barely paid her...

to making over $17k in her holistic business

in just 4 months

Hear what she had to say...

The Structure

The Step-by-Step Trainings

Over 60 guided video trainings, hundreds of PDF resources, healing resources, and guest experts in the online modules in an easy to follow step-by-step format, so you know exactly what to do every day.

The Coaching

Our coaches are here for you 24/7 to support you not just in strategy, systems, and sales, but in your mindset and growth and development as an entrepreneur and coach.

You'll have support on MULTIPLE calls a week as well as DMs and via voice notes, so you can get an answer and feedback from us whenever you need.

The Group Membership

FINALLY. Get in the same room as an incredibly potent and powerful group of other holistic minded people who are also on this path and committed to growth and impact.

Group chat, celebrating wins and holding space for the inbetween. Soul tribe vibes.

Cirriculum Preview